
This is an elephant I drew using a free stock photo I found online as a reference. It was totally free of any rights and it was close-up, which is VERY difficult to come by. My scanner doesn’t scan things 100% accurately, so in real life, the two pinks are more different from each other and overall, it looks better, but I am still happy with how this came out. It was an experimental piece. I originally wanted to draw a baby elephant, but since I ended up using a photo of an older one, I decided my goal was to make her look beautiful.

I used blue and purple because those are my favorite colors. I really just started by putting down a little blue here, a little purple there and adding in some black, then more blue, then more purple. I wasn’t sure what to do with the background but I wanted something that popped, so I went with the pinks and purple to represent sort of a sunset, but also just because I like those colors. I want to draw a whole set of different endangered species and then post the images on fineartamerica.com. I have this elephant and my previous wolf drawing so far. My wolf drawing sold a print a month ago (yay!) so I used some of the profit to purchase myself a decal from Howling for Wolves for my car. They are sold as a way to raise funds and also by putting the decal on the car it also raises awareness. This drawing would benefit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. They pay for the raising of orphaned baby elephants and some rhinos. They spend years caring for them and eventually the elephants are able to slowly adapt back to living in the wild. It’s beautiful. Next on the list is a manatee. Trouble is making time to do all of this. I still have 3 or maybe 4 commissions to work on first.

Back to my elephant drawing. I think I might Photoshop the background black and sell prints that way too. I like the idea of the elephant against the black background, but I didn’t want to make the background black with my colored pencils because solid colors  never come out solidly. I should mention that I always use a circular motion technique for backgrounds, that way they don’t show a directional pattern. It also makes it look like the color is not solid intentionally. This is sort of visible in the top purple portion below.

I think that’s all I have to say on this one. Please check out my personal website or Etsy page for a gallery of other art, or my FineArtAmerica page if you are interested in this print specifically!
Elephant 2 for web


This is a drawing I did for my dad for Father’s Day. He used to own this car, a 1966 Mustang. When I initially had colored just the car, it was all monochromatic except for the red light. I liked it that way and thought that I should make the background blue as well, but I couldn’t decide on it 100%, so I did a test using Photoshop. Since the background was still white, I used the paint bucket tool and filled in the background with the following three colors.Mustang with oralight blue background

Mustang with orange background

Mustang with red backgroundOrange was the winner, so I went with the orange background. Since the orange reminded me of a sandy beach, I decided to add in some pebbles for texture. Then I thought it needed more variety still and added in the darker areas. I wish I hadn’t done that. Once they were there, I couldn’t get rid of them. I tried in one little spot; it looked awful and took quite a bit of work to fix it. Luckily it is just for my dad, so he won’t care.

Mustang 5One more thing I want to mention is that I used my Gelly Roll to sign the drawing. I really prefer using pen. It’s so much easier, it looks like my real signature instead of a forced version. So, Gelly Roll it is from now on! Feel free to check out my personal website or my Etsy page for a gallery of my art!


This is Brindle and it might be my favorite of all my drawings. I love the ways her eyes came out. I didn’t screw up the background at all. Things seemed to go right with this one. I did this one for a friend. The photo was a little bit far away, so I zoomed in a lot. I really like the zoom-in technique. I don’t have tons more to say. Short and simple. Of course I have to add that you can check out my personal website here or my Etsy page here! I am a little behind on commissions, but you can still take a look around.

Brindle 8 for webThank you! 🙂